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Questions tagged [recommendations]

For questions asking for recommendations for drones, model aircraft, or parts. Be sure to clearly indicate the specific requirements, or your question may be marked opinion-based.

12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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8 votes
1 answer

Recommended drone for 360 HDR sky photography?

Can someone please recommend a drone I could use for amateur 360 HDR sky photography in the USA? I hope recommendation requests like this are on-topic here. Requirements: I will be mounting a Ricoh ...
Christopher Bruns's user avatar
6 votes
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I need a low cost drone for point cloud modeling. What are the alternatives?

I am searching for a drone to work with point cloud modeling. The drone must have features such as orbital flying (flying around the subject with the camera always aimed to the center) while shooting ...
Vinicivs's user avatar
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Android Black-Box Viewer (Betaflight)

I'm using Speedy Bee (an Android betaflight configurator) a lot on the field for changing settings and tuning. I use a USB-OTG-Cable for my Android phone to connect to the FC. But I do miss an ...
heavykick's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to implement sensor fusion with IMU and GPS

I have a 9-axis IMU (MPU9250) and a GPS module and I'm considering using other sensors later,...
Arcaniaco's user avatar
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DJI F450 Drone Kit Equivalent

I wanted to buy the DJI F450 Drone Kit, however as it is no longer produced, I want to buy an equivalent. Does anyone know any Pre-soldered drone kit like the DJI F450 that can lift a camera, jetson ...
Anay Gokhale's user avatar
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What COTS drone can be programmed and accept sensor inputs for autonomous flight?

I'm mentoring high school students this summer on a navigation project involving a drone. I'd like to find a drone that can take input from a sensor (in this case it would be a photodiode) that I will ...
Hazegray's user avatar
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Drone that can send live camera footage, GPS coordinates and maybe IMU readings to a remote PC

I need to acquire a drone for my dissertation project. The main requirement is to be able to transmit camera footage to a remote PC for processing. If possible, it would also help to send GPS ...
Daniel Bancos's user avatar
1 vote
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Looking for a drone with Microcontroller

I am looking for a drone with a microcontroller, that I can access (preferably Raspberry PI). In my research, I found plenty of drones with an API (for example DJI Tello), but I could not find one, ...
verySpecificDroneGuy's user avatar
1 vote
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wireless camera options

I know drones use high fps and long range cameras, I'm working on a tracked robot and quality is a higher concern then fps per say. I have found boards that allow multi camera options but I was hoping ...
BrokeBeardedGuy's user avatar
1 vote
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Drones powered by hydrogen cells

I'm looking for a power source to travel long distances, and in this I saw that drones powered by hydrogen cells are emerging. I looked for it but the available information I found is very incomplete ...
Arcaniaco's user avatar
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Mathematical Model of Drones

I have recently decided to take up a small project at my University involving ML techniques and UAVs. TO get started, I have been looking for mathematical model of UAVs, but a lot of places offer a ...
Prat K.'s user avatar
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Drones with attachments for cleaning windows

Newbie on drones. Are any attachments that can added to the bottom of a drone to carry a 1/4 or 3/8 water pipes? Thanks,
BluedogVIP's user avatar