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Questions tagged [servo]

A mechanical component of some UAVs which receives a numerical signal input and rotates to the corresponding position.

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2 votes
1 answer

How do I get to know what angle my servo rotates?

I am using the servo torque formula, in which there is mention of maximum servo deflection. At first, I used 90 degrees as my servo was positional rotation servo. But then I found out in internet that ...
Prateek Nilajagi's user avatar
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How much torque do I need to turn my servo?

I'm designing a bomb bay door for my RC place. Fuselage has circular base, I want to recover the door to its original position after deployment, so I decided to use servos for the job. But I think ...
Prateek Nilajagi's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add servo control on my fpv drone to drop a parachute or other object

I have a DARWINFPV BETAFLIGHT F4 FC 50A 2-6S BLHELI_S 4IN1 DSHOT600 ESC STACK. I'm looking to add on a servo that i can control while flying so that i can drop objects, move a camera around, deploy a ...
Matt Jones's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How much torque do I need for the servomotor which turns my canard?

I don't know that my question is belong to here or physics community. I desire to make a supersonic micro-jet model plane also powered by model rocket engine to reaches less than Mach 3 and it has a ...
Curious guy's user avatar
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How can I scale the channel range for a servo output in betaflight?

I have a servo linked to an aux channel in Betaflight which turns from -45 to 45 degrees as the channel value goes from 1000 to 2000. I want it to turn in a smaller range (from -9 to 9 degrees) with ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Advice on correct linkage to use to rotate motor mount

I'm designing a VTOL based on a conventional airplane design that will use a tilt-rotor to move the motors 90 degrees around a carbon fibre tube that also acts as the wing spar. Each motor is tilted ...
Arj's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Aileron and elevator axes are swapped on the remote

According to all resources I've found, this is not a remote mode issue - no modes have horizontal elevator and vertical aileron axes. My current setting is Mode 2. Is it safe to swap the cables ...
White hawk's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

My esc cuts the motor when I move control surfaces a lot

I finally built my plane and started testing it on my workbench. If I moved the servos a lot (using my transmitter), the motor would cut out, the ESC would play a tone similar to when I first turn it ...
ThatCoolCoder's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Flysky FS-ia10b output more than 2000 microsecond pulse

I just modified a servo to spin 360 degrees by taking out its potentiometer and replacing it with a voltage divider of roughly the same value. So when I use an Arduino, I have to send a pulse of about ...
DragonflyRobotics's user avatar
4 votes
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My DIY Project - My motors and voltage regulator for water pump does not work at the same time

I am working on a project to make a quadrocopter that can spray liquid material. Unfortunately, I had this problem: when I give full thrust and try to activate the water pump at the same time, the ...
Hakan ONAY's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How to determine the correct specification of servo for a control surface

Servos come in a large range of sizes, torque values, etc. and the servo to use depends on a number of factors such as control surface size, aircraft speed and desired manoeuvrability. While there is ...
Kralc's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to drive a servo for a tricopter with a flight controller?

Is there any way to set up a servo with full control for a tricopter using a normal flight controller and normal drone parts? Are there any other things that I should use or consider? This servo will ...
Jacob B's user avatar
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Difference between analog and digital servos?

I've noticed that there is often a price gap between analog and digital servos. What is the difference between an analog and digital servo and why is a digital servo better?
Jacob B's user avatar
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