I'm building a drone with arducopter 2.8 (ArduCopter V3.2.1) and I'm using the DSHot 600 (BLHELI_S) Opto ESC's as my ESC and when I connect the Opto ESC to the arducopter and arducopter to the receiver the motor is not responding to the throttle movements.
When I connect the battery the ESC beeps (First three beeps (Cause I'm using 3s Battery).
I'm not sure why this happens if the ESC beeps then why the motor is not responding to the throttle.
To ensure I checked whether it's the radio problem and I ran the radio calibration and each sticks works properly but the motor is not responding to movements it just beeps and no movement.
I'm struggling with this issue for the past two weeks looking for a perfect solution but none of them is related to my issue.
of this manual. $\endgroup$