I fixed the esc of my aircraft, but now it won't go above half thrust for whatever reason. Here is a short record of the electronics in the craft;
Crashed twice, broke esc, soldered 3-pin ground connector back to the esc, wrapped in electrical tape, worked fine, all seemed good, now won't go above 1/2 thrust.
When I go above half thrust, the motor will stop spinning, and the plane will beep a few times. After about 3-5 seconds, if I pull the throttle back down to 0 and then push back up, it will resume spinning but still will not go above 1/2 thrust.
I do have a new esc on the way from amazon so that might fix it but still have no idea why the plane won't go above half thrust. Any idea why and how to fix it?
Plane has 1 motor, rudder, and elevator in use. Ailerons were not connected for the flight when I noticed it would not go above half thrust.