Can nitro engine run on gasoline (RON95)?
While alcohol or alcohol/nitromethane engines ("glow engines") won't run on gasoline without modification (fuel mixture too rich and may not be possible to lean out enough, glow plug ...
What sort of fuel do model jet plane engines take?
I think the only real answer is... it depends on the model. Obviously producers can make whatever they like, though I've never actually heard of a model plane which runs on actual jet fuel (probably ...
What is an Ultimate Air Trap (UAT)?
As I see it, there are two differences.
One is that the main tank is gradually emptied during a flight, so the air pocket can be quite large. The UAT is small and fed from the tank, so it's always ...
Can nitro engine run on gasoline (RON95)?
No, nitro engines won't run on gasoline. They don't have a spark plug.
There are model engines that are designed to run on gasoline. However they're generally much larger. The engine you show has a ...
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