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5 votes

Flysky FS-ia10b output more than 2000 microsecond pulse

I don't think that will be possible. The protocol for analogue radio was a 20ms packet, consisting of up to 9 pulses and a gap. So there were 10 things in a 20ms packet. The receiver would split each ...
Robin Bennett's user avatar
4 votes

My esc cuts the motor when I move control surfaces a lot

I think it's a combination of the BEC and stiff controls. 1 amp BECs are often just linear regulators, effectively a transistor that acts like a variable resistor. It takes in battery voltage and ...
Robin Bennett's user avatar
4 votes

How to determine the correct specification of servo for a control surface

Most forces in aerodynamics are proportional to area, speed squared, air density and a 'coefficient' that describes how efficient your object is. There's also usually a 1/2 for obscure theoretical ...
Robin Bennett's user avatar
4 votes

How to drive a servo for a tricopter with a flight controller?

This has likely been answered here:, but to paraphrase: A standard flight controller can easily be set up to control a servo, as per your edit. You first ...
Drones and Whatnot's user avatar
3 votes

Difference between analog and digital servos?

Analog Servos Analog RC servos use a form of pulse width modulation (PWM) to control the speed of the servo. It's basically switch the motor on and off quickly (Commonly 50 times per second). The ...
Hannes Hultergård's user avatar
3 votes

Aileron and elevator axes are swapped on the remote

In essentially all cases I can think of, you should have no problem with switching the servo/signal connections around on your RC RX. In fact, they're usually designed with that in mind. What likely ...
ifconfig's user avatar
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2 votes

Advice on correct linkage to use to rotate motor mount

I'm no mechanical engineer, but I stumbled across this amazing document which appears to my untrained eye to have basically every mechanism I can imagine:
Arj's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I get to know what angle my servo rotates?

The issue with servos is that they are used to turn rotary into linear motion. The pushrod moves a lot when it is at 90 degrees to the output arm, and not at all when it is inline. Most installations ...
Robin Bennett's user avatar
1 vote

How to add servo control on my fpv drone to drop a parachute or other object

I've had a look at the manual for that flight controller, and unfortunately it doesn't seem to provide any pads where you could access the AUX channels. I don't think adding a servo to that flight ...
Robin Bennett's user avatar
1 vote

How much torque do I need for the servomotor which turns my canard?

The standard equation for aerodynamic forces is a half, times the density of air, times the speed squared, times the area, times an aerodynamic coefficient. $$L=\frac{1}{2}\cdot\rho\cdot v^2\cdot A\...
Robin Bennett's user avatar
1 vote

My DIY Project - My motors and voltage regulator for water pump does not work at the same time

If you are using the same battery for everything, the drone rotors might be drawing too many amps causing your pumps to not spin. Try using an external battery for it, or get a bigger battery for the ...
DragonflyRobotics's user avatar

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