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16 votes

What does it mean for SBUS to be an inverted protocol?

A serial signal is composed of a series of High and Low electrical signals sent down a wire. In the standard serial protocol, a high signal is 0 and low is 1. In an inverted signal this is reversed ...
tavis's user avatar
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What does it mean for SBUS to be an inverted protocol?

In digital electronics, a signal is sent as a series of ones and zeros. In simple serial implementations, these are represented by zero volts and another voltage, typically 3.3V or 5V depending on the ...
Kralc's user avatar
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How to use an XM+ receiver without a flight controller?

Yes, you most certainly can. The device you will need is called an SBus Decoder, which splits the SBus serial signal from your FrSky XM+ into several different PWM channels. Example of an 8-channel ...
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I think 'VTX switch' means that you can switch the power to the VTX on and off, with the BetaFlight 'pit mode'. That could be useful if your VTX overheats when it's not flying. 'Pit mode' normally ...
Robin Bennett's user avatar

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