What does it mean for SBUS to be an inverted protocol?
A serial signal is composed of a series of High and Low electrical signals sent down a wire. In the standard serial protocol, a high signal is 0 and low is 1. In an inverted signal this is reversed ...
What does it mean for SBUS to be an inverted protocol?
In digital electronics, a signal is sent as a series of ones and zeros. In simple serial implementations, these are represented by zero volts and another voltage, typically 3.3V or 5V depending on the ...
Why doesn't my GPS get any satellites?
The GPS module can't give you even an approximate position fix until it knows where the satellites are. The satellites transmit this data (called an "almanac") continuously, but it takes ...
Why doesn't my GPS get any satellites?
I'd say if you get any satellites at all, the GPS module works and it got the almanac correctly. Getting only 5 sats after 10 minutes is indeed insufficient (8 is fine though).
It could be that this ...
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