When I flew my drone yesterday, all the manoeuvres I did felt really slow. I then went into the OSD and changed the rates a bit. The drone then acted as it should, but when I then changed back it still felt fine.
When reviewing the blackbox logs afterwards I noticed that the gyro only registered around 340 deg/s rotation at full stick deflection (See the last part of the bad blackbox log)
After going into the OSD to change what I said above, the rotation speed was 900 deg/s at full stick deflection, as it should be with the rates I have.
To clarify a bit: It felt like I was using rates that were much lower than they actually were. The problem disappeared when I went in to the OSD menu and out again, but the next day I had the same problem again. It is not a major issue as it is easily fixable, but I would be glad if I could get some help to figure out what the problem could be.
The flight controller uses betaflight 4.1.