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7 votes

How to measure the pitch of a propeller?

Theoretically the pitch of a prop is supposed to be the distance it would move in a full rotation (in an ideal world). As most modern props vary pitch along their length, a single number is almost ...
Ben Wilson's user avatar
6 votes

Help with finding a motor to rotate the plane of a propeller

I think what you are looking for is a servo. At least, that's what it's called in the hobby, officially it's a servomotor. Each unit consists of a motor, gears, a sensor to measure the position of the ...
Robin Bennett's user avatar
4 votes

DJI spreading wings 900 propeller size

Here's a picture of the blades. I rotated it and measured it with an image editing program. The lower blade is 918 pixels long and 215 pixels wide at the root, 76 pixels wide at the tip. If each ...
Robin Bennett's user avatar
4 votes

DJI spreading wings 900 propeller size

Short answer: You cannot from the stated dimensions Pitch is more about angle of the blades (it's a bit more complicated, and is also an outdated calculation, see "advance ratio", from which ...
Brydon Gibson's user avatar
4 votes

Compact Gimbaling propeller

There are some commercial units (single axis or two axis) or there are a variety of designs you can 3D print. These designs are mainly based around a large ball joint behind the motor, but there are ...
Robin Bennett's user avatar
3 votes

Picking the right prop pitch for my plane

The key here is to understand pitch speed. The pitch of a prop is how far it will advance in one rotation if there's no slip, so a 5" pitch prop spinning at 15,000rpm will advance 75,000 inches ...
Robin Bennett's user avatar
3 votes

How to measure the pitch of a propeller?

There is a method for measuring on this page (Wayback Machine link); but, it might be a bit fiddly to get accurate measurements for small propellers as your margins of error become more significant. ...
Kralc's user avatar
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1 vote

How to couple panel method velocities with boundary layer equations to obtain viscous pressure and lift coefficient?

Hi Mate please see the HFLR5 Site and software that includes also calls to xfoil. As we know what you are asking is not an easy task. The following example is for an airplane with NACA 2410 airfoil, ...
Luca Spuntoni's user avatar

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