A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.
Any method of propulsion used by drones or model aircraft to move and fly.
For questions about drone sensors, sensor uses and any issues encountered with using specific sensors
Use in questions regarding the proper methods that should be used to charge LiPo, Li-ion, or other batteries.
For questions regarding the use of or configuration of an Inertial Measurement Unit.
Use in questions comparing two or more things related to drones or model aircraft. Provide as much detail as possible to avoid your question being marked as opinion-based.
For questions about using and operating drones and model aircraft safely
Something that guides or controls all or part of its own functions.
The Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) is the United States' regulatory body for aviation regulations. Use for questions about FAA regulations regarding model aircraft and drones.
A vehicle capable of sustained flight which uses thrust, and usually lift, to negate the pull of gravity.
Use with questions asking specifically about drones that lack one or more features such that it has a substantial difference from hobby-grade drones.
For questions relating to rotary wing aircraft that typically use one or two propellers to generate lift.
For questions specifically about taking videos in drones as opposed to taking photos
A mechanical component of some UAVs which receives a numerical signal input and rotates to the corresponding position.
A device that is worn on the head that allows FPV pilots to receive the live video transmission from a drone or model aircraft.
Use in questions asking about how two or more UAV-related things can be used together.
For questions about drone simulators, and specific simulation software
Use in reference to the manufacturer of consumer RC transmitter and receiver gear.
For questions about drones which weigh less than 250g (known as "Class C0" in Europe)
Efficiency signifies a peak level of performance that uses the least amount of inputs to achieve the highest amount of output. It minimizes the waste of resources such as energy while accomplishing th…
Use in reference to the Mavic Mini flying camera manufactured by DJI.
Use in questions pertaining to apps that are needed for or benefit drones or model aircraft.
Use in questions about photography drones or the methods of taking photos using drones or model aircraft.
Any software system that allows a UAV to fly fully autonomously.
An internally commutated electric motor designed to be used with a DC (direct current) power source.
Use in questions pertaining to the use, troubleshooting, or specifications of video transmitting/receiving systems used on drones and model aircraft.
For questions regarding the BLHeli ESC firmware.
For questions about repairing drones or model aircraft or their components.
Questions about the code that runs on a microcontroller. For software that runs on a computer or mobile device, use [software].
For use with questions regarding radio signal range, such as the control signal or live video transmitters.
For questions about the racing of drones, rules and etiquette
Use with questions asking for sources of information for specific problems relating to drones or model aircraft.