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7 votes

why do drone frames have spaces and holes

A major consideration is weight reduction; if material can be removed without significantly reducing the strength of the item, this will result in an increased payload or flight duration. This is ...
Kralc's user avatar
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2 votes

How does one wire an OSD-enabled external DVR into Fat Shark goggles?

I have an external fpv monitor with this DVR and if I watch the DVR live feed a delay in the video image is noticable. If the DVR does lock up while flying you are in big trouble. So I'd strongly ...
bingo-fuel's user avatar
1 vote

How much air-intake space do I need in front of my DJI Spark's propellers?

Single-rotor model helicopters, flown indoors, will "suck" themselves onto the ceiling when the rotor is within about half a rotor diameter if you're not quick to reduce throttle. The sucking won't ...
Camille Goudeseune's user avatar

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