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6 votes

What is DSHOT in ESCs?

DShot is a protocol that flight controllers use for communicating with ESCs. It stands for 'Digital Shot'. It is a new digital communication protocol developed by Flyduino in collaboration with ...
sempaiscuba's user avatar
2 votes

Why isn't my manual DSHOT600 programming of a HobbyWing ESC not responding to direction change?

I would recommend taking a look at the source code for Betaflight to get some hints, since the DSHOT commands should be the same. More specifically the code for enabling turtle mode (flip over after ...
Hannes Hultergård's user avatar
1 vote

Would appreciate help! What is wrong with the ESC?

Most likely the FC is not arming the ESC for some reason. The best way to solve arming problems is to connect up the VTX and see what warning message BetaFlight is showing in the OSD. Also, in the ...
Robin Bennett's user avatar
1 vote

Can I use a reversable drone BL_Heli ESC directly from a PWM receiver?

I don't know about BLHeli, but you should be able to use BLHeli_S in "3D mode" with PWM. They do need configuration, you will have to set motor direction to bi-directional.
stylesuxx's user avatar
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