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6 votes

What is DSHOT in ESCs?

DShot is a protocol that flight controllers use for communicating with ESCs. It stands for 'Digital Shot'. It is a new digital communication protocol developed by Flyduino in collaboration with ...
sempaiscuba's user avatar
5 votes

What happened to DSHOT1200 support in Betaflight?

As is explained in this forum post, support for DSHOT1200 signaling was indeed removed from Betaflight due to its primary use case being devalued starting in version 4.1. DShot1200 is officially ...
ifconfig's user avatar
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2 votes

Why isn't my manual DSHOT600 programming of a HobbyWing ESC not responding to direction change?

I would recommend taking a look at the source code for Betaflight to get some hints, since the DSHOT commands should be the same. More specifically the code for enabling turtle mode (flip over after ...
Hannes Hultergård's user avatar
2 votes

Uneven RPM output across motors, how to fix?

A flipping quad is not the result of such rather minor differences in RPM, it is more likely that one of your motors is spinning in the wrong direction, a prop is on wrong or the orientation of your ...
stylesuxx's user avatar
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2 votes

Uneven RPM output across motors, how to fix?

If it's flipping on take-off, it's much more likely to be a reversed motor. Check which way each motor is actually blowing, then try to work out if the problem is the prop, the motor direction or the ...
Robin Bennett's user avatar
1 vote

Uneven RPM output across motors, how to fix?

I don't know your setup but if you are talking about a quadcopter then what you are experiencing is the controller actuating to keep it stable in a hovering position. It will never be the same rpm, ...
jdios's user avatar
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1 vote

Betaflight with Mamba F405 MK2 stack 40A ESC's and XING-E 2207 motors problem

If you have airmode enabled as a feature then the motors will spin on arm no matter what other settings you have. It sounds to me like you may have accidentally set your ESC's to bi-directional in BL-...
tavis's user avatar
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