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Questions tagged [telemetry]

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How can I get live telemetry data from DJI Fly/ DJI Pilot

I need to receive live telemetry data (once every 1 -2 seconds) from DJI Fly or DJI Pilot, while on RC Plus Note that making my own MSDK app to connect to the drone for this is not an option. However, ...
Sean's user avatar
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receive and decode telemetry data

I am trying to receive and decode the telemetry data output from my drone's flight controller (FC) via the Smart Port using a microcontroller. My goal is to save the information, but I can't find any ...
Ali.kavari76's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

ESC wiring to FC for wing - 2 or 3 pins?

I'm new to the wing builds and I'm a bit confused. I ordered the kit for the AR Wing Pro, which includes BLDC motor and ESC. The ESC comes with the mandatory 2 power lines and 3 thick lines for the ...
MaM's user avatar
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How to add custom betaflight code to obtain data from I2C device and pass to OSD?

I successfully obtained data from my I2C device in Arduino: ...
user255936's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to attach I2C and USB based sensors to the flight controller and receive some outputs via telemetry?

Readily available flight controllers have pins/pads available usually for UART ports where you can attach various modules like ESC, RX, VTX, OSD etc. I wanted to know if it is similarly possible to ...
jar's user avatar
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1 answer

Ftd driver for 3dr telemetry radio

I have been attempting to connect my pixhawk 4 to qgroundcontrol using an old 3DR telemetry radio set. The connection works fine over usb, but qgroundcontrol shows disconnected when I plug in both ...
figbar's user avatar
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3 answers

Drone with SDR for HF antenna field strength measurements, I need a Raspberry Pi based drone kit that I can just buy

I have very little time until I get to the USA to buy the material to put together a drone which I want to use to measure antenna gain patterns for HF radio. Example, a 20m band half-wavelength dipole ...
Gunther Schadow's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Connect mavlink (on RPi) with QGroundControl

I am trying to connect Mavlink (installed on RPi) with QGroundControl via 3DR Radio Telemetry as to transmit telemetry data from RPi without dependency of Ardupilot/Px4 flightcontrollers. I want to ...
TheLazy's user avatar
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