I built a new quadcopter and was able to power up the drone with no problem when I finished. However, after flashing new firmware to my receiver and forgetting to disconnect the receiver wires from the flight controller during the process, my FC won't power on. I'm guessing I created a short when I was working on the receiver, but I want to make sure that the board is dead before a buy a new one.
Here's more information of my situation:
I'm using the Kakute F4 v2. Nothing heats up to very high temperatures on the board when I plug it in. I have a solid green power light, but no status light when I plug the board in. I measured the resistance between ground the the 3.3v pad on the FC, but the resistance was normal.
I'm not able to flash a new firmware to the board (windows doesn't even recognize the device anymore), and the impulse rc driver fixer did not work.
Is it safe to say that my board is dead and I should buy a new one, or is there something else I haven't tried yet?