I'm about to build my first drone. I chose the PixHawk 4 with PX4 as a flight controller and the Raspberry Pi Model 3B as the companion computer.
I am not sure about the ESCs yet. So far I'm considering the Turnigy MultiStar 30A BLHeli-S Rev16 V3 ESC 2~4S (Opto), since a 30A rating should be enough for my planned setup. I will use the PM07 power module provided with the PixHawk 4.
I do not want to manually fly the UAV, but let the companion computer take full control. Is that possible? Would the ESCs let me do it?
As in the manual of most ESCs, a connected receiver/remote control is necessary for calibration. How would I go about it to make my drone/ESCs flight-ready without a receiver/remote control (QGroundControl or other software?). Do you know some specific ESCs that are well suited for my task or can all ESCs potentially do it?