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2020 Moderator Election

nomination began
May 18, 2020 at 20:00
election began
May 25, 2020 at 20:00
election ended
Jun 2, 2020 at 20:00

On Stack Exchange, we believe the core moderators should come from the community, and be elected by the community itself through popular vote. We hold regular elections to determine who these community moderators will be.

Community moderators are accorded the highest level of privilege on our community, and should themselves be exemplars of positive behavior and leaders within the community.

Our general criteria for moderators is as follows:

  • patient and fair
  • leads by example
  • shows respect for their fellow community members in their actions and words
  • open to some light but firm moderation to keep the community on track and resolve (hopefully) uncommon disputes and exceptions

Every election has three phases:

  1. Nomination
  2. Primary
  3. Election

Please participate in the moderator elections by voting, and perhaps even by nominating yourself to be a community moderator!


Hi, my name is Kenn, and elsewhere online you'll find me as @aeroboticist.

I'd like to be a moderator because I can represent both the recreational and professional side of drones.

My background is a lifetime in R/C and manned flight, and a decade in autopilots, starting with Mikrokopter.

I was a core developer in OpenPilot, and one of the co-founders of Tau Labs. Both are now defunct, but our code lives on in many projects.

To my knowledge, I was first to perform a fully autonomous fixed-wing flight with an open-source autopilot, and also created the first polyhedral geo-fence, which allows for arbitrary and infinite-scalability.

I have patents and academic papers on novel drone flight algorithms. I invented the LVL 1, which raised almost $1Mil on Kickstarter.

From a regulatory perspective, I was present at the creation of the UAST, and then was on the steering committee to pick its first members.

I wrote the first curriculum for nighttime commercial drone flight and certified the first night-flight drone pilots.

Amusingly, on 2016-08-29 at 9AM I became perhaps the US's first commercial drone pilot. I'll never know, but it's a fun story!

Hi, I'm gparyani (Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog) and I'd like to become your moderator.

I'm very experienced in the workings of Stack Exchange. I'm the primary editor of the FAQ posts over on the global meta, and know the details of how the sites operate. (See my Meta.SE profile.)

Having had real-life teaching experience, as well as being a high-rep user on multiple Stack Exchange sites, I've learned how to be calm when dealing with users who may not have any experience with the site, and perform some light but firm moderation.

I'm new to the overall Drones topic area, and am currently building my first drone, but with my experience in the Stack Exchange model, I believe I have the skills and experience to be a moderator. Also, becoming one will definitely help me learn more about drones and proceed further in my drone projects - I plan on participating here more as I move with it.

My answers to the candidate questionnaire, where I detail my style of moderation and what I'll do as a moderator.

Time zone: Pacific Time (UTC-7/8)

Hello everyone, I’m Kralc and as you are reading this you know I am running to be a moderator on Drones and Model Aircraft SE.

I’ve been active on both the site and Meta since day one and keep an eye on the chat (dropping in when appropriate.) While I’ve been a long time reader of StackExchange sites, supporting this proposal was the incentive I needed to create an account; this means I have a good appreciation and understanding of what makes good question or answer even though my account was recently created.

I view the role of moderator as being to act in the interest of the community, which is how I’ve approached using the moderation tools to date. While I’ve been an active user of them, among others, the reason I do not have all the badges yet is because I think it is important for intervention to be meaningful – something I intend to continue if I am elected.

As a new network we will be finding our feet with how we want to moderate this site, so I do not think not being a moderator elsewhere is a disadvantage; and, after all, everyone has to start somewhere!

Link to my Q&A answers.

Hello community!

I am Jacob B and I am running for a moderator position. I believe that I am a good candidate due to my consistent participation in this SE, my subject knowledge, and my ability to handle situations well.

As you might know, I currently have over 4.5k rep on this Stack Exchange which shows my consistent participation in this site by making high quality questions and answers. I make sure that information is top notch by editing things when needed and supporting good questions. I will continue my participation in this SE even if not elected.

I have been in the drone hobby for many years now and have lots of knowledge about drones and model aircraft to share with anyone.

Also, as is important for moderators, I handle situations well. I remain calm and look at things from all perspectives. I will only use binding votes when needed. I am relatively new to SE, so I don't have as much mod experience as others, but I do have experience with the mod tools given to high-rep users, and I'm a fast learner.

Q&A link

Hello, all! My name is Neil/ifconfig, and I'm running for community moderator.

I believe I am a good candidate because:

  • I've already taken action in moderation, with activity evaluating flags/edits in all review queues. e.g.:
    • 28 close vote
    • 32 first post
    • 96 suggested edit
  • I'm very interested in helping people learn about drones and model aircraft
  • I'm active on Drones.Meta.SE, chat, and other SE sites
  • I do my best to keep a level head in all situations


  • I'm a university student studying Computer Engineering and may have limited availability 08:00-16:00 Pacific

This election is over.